Written by EJC Solutions
Friday, 27 January 2006 |
A blog is a web journal. Web Hosting through EJC solutions comes with the Fantastico suite of open source software. Although fantastico has many free packages under the blog category, the one used the most would be WordPress. 1. Login to your control panel. 2. Click on the Fantastico Icon. 3. Under the blog heading click on WordPress to get an install going. 4. Fill out the simple information like URL (/blog) and username information. 5. The blog software will install and infromation will be displayed on how to use the software. If you would like to make your blog your actual homepage just setup a redirect to redirect your home page to the path you installed your blog to. Or install the blog software to / as the URL. Best pactice would be to use a redirect and install all software under a folder name.